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5 common stains that Breeo removes easily

Grass Stains : A day out in the park is fun at any age, but who hasn’t come home with those greenish-brown stains on their knees at least once or twice? Soften the stain by soaking the garment in cold water – grass stains are protein-based so hot water will only set the stain and make it harder to remove. Apply Breeo directly to the stain and gently rub. Wash as usual. 

Mud Stains : Splashing through puddles is a great to enjoy the great outdoors, but cleaning up afterwards can be a little intimidating. Thankfully, mud is actually one of the easiest stains to remove - especially with the power of Breeo deep cleaning technology at your disposal.Leave the clothing to dry, and then gently brush off as much of the mud as possible. Apply Breeo directly to the stain as pre-treatment and leave to soak for 30 minutes. Then just pop the clothes into the washing machine, and voila!  
Blood Stains : Accidents happen! And part of being a parent means cleaning up cuts and scrapes. This can sometimes mean we’re left with blood stains to get rid of – here’s how to use Breeo to do it. Use cold water to flush the stain – this is best done as soon as possible, so if the stain has been drying for a few hours then you might want to pre-soak the fabric. Do this in a solution of cold water and a little salt. Treat the stain with Breeo then wash as usual. 
Tomato Sauce : The kitchen is one of the messiest rooms and bound to run into a few stains. Tomato sauce is one of the biggest stains to happen while wearing white of all things. But with Breeo, there’s no need to worry. Remove all excess sauce, and add a small amount of Breeo and gently rub into the stain with room temperature water. Then just wash as usual! 
Grease & Oil Stains : Whether you’ve been out in the garage, or just enjoyed a juicy burger, grease and oil stains can wreak havoc on your clothes. There are a few ways of treating these stains so we’ve listed the most-effective method using the power of Breeo. Rinse the stains in hot water, then apply a small amount of Breeo to the stain and leave to work for about 30 minutes, and then wash in hot water.